
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2006

--- the drunken barn

ok, this is elsa. a bit drunk, very drunk, looking at every tecla of of the keyboard because she cannot write faster than a something that writes fast. i learned mecanografia when i was in college or secundaria, we call it secudaria, it seems so retro though, who learns mecanografia now? I guess I'm lucky because I can write without looking at the keyboard, and I use all my fingers, also the meñique (la ñ la escribo con ALT+164). OK, I'm drunk, should I not wxhibit myself in my own blog?--look at me, i even try to keep my spelling intact. Tonight it was Alice's birthday, it was like wonderland and I had fun; and it is tuesday and we drank so much in a night in which St Andrews doesn't drink. Everything closes early and i'm not wearing my glasses, and everything moves. I had more than one draught. I like draught and that's one of the things i will miss from St andrews, though St Andrews wont be missed too much. It has its missable things but they are not many. I


Today I got this e-mail from the student support centre: Hello,Exams getting on top of you? Finding it difficult to concentrate?The Union has got hundreds of =B3Stress Buster=B2 packs to give away.Included in the packs are various special offers, advice on how to copewith stress and a free can of SHARK energy drink (like Red Bull, but tastesmuch better).You can pick up your free pack from the General Office on the middle floorof the Union!For those lucky enough to have already finished your exams, you=B9re stilleligible to collect a pack. (Why not take a few back to your mates who arestill studying?) ???


amanece Originally uploaded by baldhor . He aquí algunas fotos de St Andrews, no estan muy buenas. Pronto pondré más (ya me voy a comprar una cámara!)

ayer y hoy

Ayer Mr. Lodge llevó vino a la clase para celebrar que era el último día. Mientras tomaba y medio me emborrachaba me imaginaba si habrá sido guapo de joven. Concluí que sí. Y me enamoré (en mi borrachez) Ayer me acordé de una conversación que tuve con el hermano Juan sobre la forma en la que los mexicanos nos despedimos y de todo lo que nos tardamos en hacerlo. Me dio mucha risa otra vez Hoy es la linea muerta para mi ensayo. Después de reescribirlo y reempezar dos veces no he podido terminar, es como una pesadilla. Y me pregunto (me pregunto, me pregunto) Qué me pasa si yo no era así? lo juro, yo no era así Hoy me desperté cantando: "when i wake up early in the morning (lalalala) I'm still yawning" de los beatles Y ya

para el altar

Tolkien and the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) Three senior OED editors have written a book about J. R. R. Tolkien's involvement with the Dictionary. The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary (published on 27 April), describes Tolkien's work as a member of the OED's staff, and examines how his lexicographical experiences influenced the way he revived, remodelled, and invented English words. Description A new and unexplored angle on the creative work of one of the world's most famous and well-loved writers 'Word studies' focus on Tolkien's linguistic landscape, from 'hobbit' and 'mathom' to 'dwarf' and 'Middle Earth' New archival material presented for the first time Written by three senior editors of the Oxford English Dictionary drawing on the resources of the OED's archives Appealing to both Tolkien enthusiasts and language enthusiasts The Ring of Words describes the powerful and unique relationship


Y la gran marcha en NY. A poco no da emoción?

mi tarea

Por qué. No se por qué me cuesta tanto escribir un maldito ensayo. Llevo días pensando y no he podido escribir una sola palabra. Lo tengo que escribir sobre Orientalismo de Edward Said (y yo escogí el tema!!!(?) pero no tengo que hacer un analisis del libro sino aplicar la "teoría" a algo, osease, analizar un texto x y decir aqui es evidente bla bla o no. Bueno, yo, antes de leer el libro le dije a la maestra que creia que lo podia aplicar a algo de latinoamerica y le encantó la idea, me preguntó: tu a qué tipo de tipo de análisis estas acostumbrada? literario? político? YO: (expresión de no mames, a ninguno) ...mmm, literaria? AH perfecto, pues analiza un texto latinoamericano y trata de encontrar un paralelo con lo que Said dice. -------------- Cual texto? (me pregunta) YO: mmmm No lo he pensado, le digo mañana? YO: (mañana- o sea la semana pasada) Mejor analizo nomas el libro (JAJAJA, bueno, lo adorné un poquito) Ella: No, no quiero que me hagas un reporte del libro, compa