--- the drunken barn

ok, this is elsa. a bit drunk, very drunk, looking at every tecla of of the keyboard because she cannot write faster than a something that writes fast. i learned mecanografia when i was in college or secundaria, we call it secudaria, it seems so retro though, who learns mecanografia now? I guess I'm lucky because I can write without looking at the keyboard, and I use all my fingers, also the meñique (la ñ la escribo con ALT+164).
OK, I'm drunk, should I not wxhibit myself in my own blog?--look at me, i even try to keep my spelling intact.
Tonight it was Alice's birthday, it was like wonderland and I had fun; and it is tuesday and we drank so much in a night in which St Andrews doesn't drink. Everything closes early and i'm not wearing my glasses, and everything moves.
I had more than one draught. I like draught and that's one of the things i will miss from St andrews, though St Andrews wont be missed too much. It has its missable things but they are not many. I think I will miss myself in St Andrews, even though I don't like myself in here very much.
Btw, i finished my exams and essays, and they suck, or soc. Soc.
this is the text of a retarded night.
Sorry my readers. My readers


José dijo…

Thanks for the hearty laugh.

Per favore non cancelare questo post.
Anónimo dijo…
LOL. y ahazlo una tècnica para escribir, te quedo muy bueno.
baldhor dijo…
José adivinó mi pensamiento del dia después (el de la cruda) porque ya iba a borrar el post nomas de puro remordimiento, que bueno que fue bien recibido, gracias muchaches.
A mi siempre me gustan tus posts, pero ya llevas dos de estos y son de los mejores.

Eres como en esa clásica de Jackie Chan: "The Drunken Master".
Anónimo dijo…
jajaja LA PEDOTAAA !! eso es todo !! muy cagado to drunkenblog, y bueno ahistamos, saludos
Anónimo dijo…
jajaja that reminds me of a night a few years ago when when five people sat around a table drinking beer and writing their stupid, yet funny, drunken thoughts...remember?
CaChippoRRa dijo…
Elsz... me recuerdas a Preston, y a cierta ocasión en que cierta persona se escondió en cierto pasillo con cierta botella, porque la coda no la quería compartir!!

Pa qe veas que si te leo mujer, ahi luego te escribo.
baldhor dijo…
ejem, ejem... la ausente regresa y a escondidas contesta tanto post. Parece ser que mi alterego ebraico (juar juar) es más popular que el sober one... qué bonito es lo bonito.

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