Almost gone. Two weeks, even less than two weeks and I'll be gone, gone for good.
I was listening to the radio last night, and I felt sad, I felt I don't want to leave, to go back. It's hard to imagine what I'm going back to.
Back home.
Meanwhile I try to do everything I haven't done, only "express": Wake up early, see all the museums, go the theater, go out as many times as possible express, sightseeing and photo shooting express, eat-all-the-sardines-you-can express, fall in love express, finish my money express, etc.
The other day I rode the bus at 6 in the morning. I crossed the city from the airport to Cais do Sodré, the bus was full of people going to work. I was coming back from a party night but felt ok, so I consciously missed my stop and went all the way down to the riverfront. I had breakfast in town and fell in love with the cold chocolate milk they sell in every café in Lisbon. I thought that's all I want to drink from now on, though I haven't drunk it ever since. It was one of those sentimental rushes in which I thought no matter what there are always little moments to enjoy in life.
Cold, bottled, chocolate milk. I don't remember the brand, but it's everywhere, monopolizing the fridges of every pastelaria in Portugal. So good.


José dijo…
ah, también hablabas inglés y no entendía por qué no preferías hablar español
¿Y no hay manera de regresar?
baldhor dijo…
Pues si la hay, solo que me he visto muy lenta para encontrar el modo (modo meaning chamba y/o marido rico, jeje), o más bien no he sabido cómo. Supongo que habrá tiempo también.
The milk is called Ucal, right?!
I'm glad you liked my city, my crounty and my post.
How did you end up in my blog?! lol
baldhor dijo…
Sim! Ucal! I even got a picture of it, at the very end. I should post it, actually.
Your blog...well, I found it by chance, more or less, though not really 'cause a friend of mine is a friend of yours so...
Thanks for passing by :)

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